Nana Barb tagged me for the Honest Scrap. They say I have to reveal 10 honest things that I've never blogged before. Also supposed to list 5 of my addictions. The fun part is getting to choose 5 more friends to tag. So here goes:
1. I hate scary movies. They scare me.
2. I cannot stand loud noise.
3. Was divorced when I was 23. Not by mychoice. Sad huh? Was married 4 years.
4. Remarried when 29. I am 46 now. You can do the math. :o)
5. Speaking of age. I thought all last year I was going to be 45 THIS year.
6. Cannot stand canned pineapple. Love fresh.
7. I think puppy breath is theraputic.
8. I have to clean up as I go along in sewing and crafting. Cannot work in a mess.
9. Sometimes I drink juice out of the container. But never chocolate milk.
10. I wanted 4 children. Glad to have been able to adopted the one I have.
Addictions....oh my. Mt. Dew, working with my hands, the computer, my family (I love to be around them.), dolls (Hitty, Bleuettes, Raggedies...just any dollies that are small and sweet. There are probably more things I can add, but thankfully we only have to share 5!