Thank you for all the feedback on the basting spray drama/trauma. I will prob have to order it, the shops around do not carry it. If anyone runs across a good deal on shipping, please let me know.
I have been on the pc much more than usual today, but also been cleaning. The windows are up, the central is off. And now the entire neighborhood is mowing their yards. Allergen's come on in!! We will have a partay come morning with the stuffy head, tight lungs and yucky eyes. But the power company will not be getting rich off of us. I told someone, breathing is over rated anyways.
Yesterday I got my hair removed. Yep I had the required 10-inches cut off for Locks for Love. I am starting meds again that have chemo in them and know I will get a good thinning. No sense in it going into the trashcan. So into a baggie and mailing envelope it went instead. This is the shortest it has been in some time. But it is just hair and it will grow again. I do like my hair long, it is what I am comfortable with and prefer. This is a wonderful program for children. Please consider it the next time you are thinking about a hair style change. A child will be grateful.
Very cute doll and your pics of the playhouse are great. What a wonderful place to work/play. My hair is still falling out from the treatments(radioactive iodine) I had in the spring and it is shorter than usual (shoulder length). It is just hair and I know it will grow but my hair is thin now and takes more work to style. Insert my groaning here from me.
I hope your hair doesn't get too thin. Locks of love is a great charity.
Gee, Ange, if you weren't so far I'd come play in your playhouse too! It appears so warm and inviting. Love your displays. I guess I could put up a few shelves and display all my pc's too. Right now, they pretty much sit in baskets. Thanks for sharing. And Locks of love is a great cause. I'm sure they will greatly appreciate your locks.
Love your little quilt and your display. Sorry to hear about your chemo but what an awesome thing to do for someone else. My heart goes out to you...truly.
Ugh, I get allergies, too! No fun!
I love your little bitty quilt! So sweet! : )
The displays are so sweet. Such collections. You've got great display pieces. Such fun! I think it's good that you cut your hair. I've never gone through it but it does seem to be more proactive than to find hair every morning lying on your pillow. That seems like that would be harder. Hang in there and I'll be sending up some prayers for you!
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