Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Here is a wonderful post about the world's oldest lady. She is from Indiana. Says she is never worries and is 115 years old! Can you imagine what all she has seen and lived through? Amazing!
Well I am heading out to see if I can do some sewing with this dang hand of mine. I have tried several times this week, but am determined today. I have so many clocks ticking on deadlines it is crazy! Have on my short brace with the thumb free, instead of the one that keeps the thumb stiff. And the ice packs at the ready. Here is hoping :o)
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Look at the way that baby smiles for her Meme. All the time! My sis gets these huge grins from Jaidyn. LOL The rest of us get smiles, but not this! And of course, Debbie eats it up. But I am guessing without being there that she is looking at her Pappy.
Happy Birthday Debbie Jo!
Tomorrow we are going to our folk's to celebrate with Debbie. Her actual bday was the 18th. Love my sisters!
Friday, April 18, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Heather hosted her first selling party here on Saturday. A Mary Kay party. We were calling it a Pretty Princess Party. LOL It was alot of fun. The lady, Dodie was wonderful. We each got a complete, very intensive facial, hand spa treatment and makeup samples. They sell a great mineral powder foundation. I got that when my mom kept telling me, You NEED that. You realllly need that. Hello, I can take a hint. LOL I needed it. It evens out your complexion without feeling all gunky and painted up. It only takes a tiny bit also. So will last a long time. With lupus, my skin tone is uneven. You can order from her online with free shipping. Cannot beat that. Sis got $129 in free product and was thrilled.
Thank you everyone for the good wishes on my hand. It is better. Just going to take more time than I thought. My tetnus injection site is better also. The knot is going down finally!
Tonight I fixed baked hamburgers, cabbage and mac & cheese. The baked hamburgers are 1 pound ground chuck, 1 beaten egg, 1/2 c. instant oats, 1/4 c. ketchup, salt, pepper and onion powder to taste (or chopped fresh onion). Mix together and pat into 4 patties. Place on baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until done. Turn over after 30 minutes.
Tomorrow I get to babysit Baby Jaidyn. Looking forward to that. Cannot have enough baby time don't you know! If I can remember, I will take new pics of her. I just get so involved, I forget.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I've always learned that life
Come home from work, the stove is cold,
"No, Mama stripped down all the beds
I show up in the office in my boxer shorts and tie.
I told him what happened
Should influenza strike you,
You learn to ask no questions
But I'll get by, I always do,
Monday, April 07, 2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008

So dont forget to post until Saturday to be entered in the Give-A-Way. The info is in the last post.
Hope you have sunshine wherever you are. And if it isnt in the sky, well we will just have to make our own! :o) Instead of the old saying, pretty is as pretty does. I think the one for the day is, sunny is as sunny does.