Mark refinished this cabinet about 12 years ago. The one and only refinishing project he has done. It is our memory cabinet. Filled with gifts, family heirlooms and favorites. The quilt is a gift from my Backporch Friends group early on in my cancer adventure. I love it! It has signature blocks and the Raggedy Ann is hand embroideried. The doll on top is by Sue Sizemore. My daddy made me the wooden tray. The gourd is painted by me.

The second shelf... Mark made these funny lil cows from sculpey and I painted them for him. Oh my, about 14 years ago. The bunnies peeping out are the first gift he ever gave me. They were an Easter present. The tiny tea cup is from Michelle. The dried roses are saved from a sweet gift from Penny. They dried so perfect. A angel is nestled in them and was a gift of encouragement from my Aunt Betty. The coffee pot is the first thing his mom bought with her first paycheck. When you pick it up it play music. The bottom shelf holds a bunny I painted for Mark's grandma and a ceramic duck dish I painted for mine. We received these back after their passing. Mark painted the Garfield banks in 4-H as a wee lad. The bread dishes were his mother's. She passed away when he was 15. The ceramic angel actually belongs to Heather and was a birthday pressie.
And doing this backwards as usual...the top shelf holds my Raggedies, thimbles from Heather's travels, Anne of Green Gables doll I bought when I went to see Mich in Victoria Bc and my Mary Engelbreit doll from my mom. Before I even knew who she was! LOL
This is my current hand work project. I am crocheting a bag to felt. Using a size H hook. My first time at felting, so we will see. It seems so huge! But I know it will not end that way. The yarn is Wool of the Andes (100% Peruvian High Wool), Sapphire Heather, from Knit Picks. Actually it is much more "heathered" than it looks. Has a navyish color in it.
Now I challenge you to show the corners of YOUR house. If you do, please let me know so I can go have a lookyloo. Have a great day.