Monday, March 31, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
So what's on your counter? LOL Mark got me all these gorgeous mums for Easter. I love flowers. They just make my heart sing. And Penny got me the hugest daffodils too. AND she got us the sweet bunny in the picture.

Here I am blog surfing. Lalalalalalala and what do I find? Sharon had posted a pic of a stitchery she did using MY pattern "A Lil' Birdie Told Me". How cool is that! I asked if I could share her picture with you all.
And this is a pic of my pretty girl Heather at Easter.

Monday, March 24, 2008
I have been tagged! And now I am passing it along. To the ones I tag, save the pic and then pass it along to your friends with a link back to me. Be sure to let the person know you tagged them in case they miss it. Keep the blog love going!
Creative Cathy tagged me for the "Sparkle Award". I pass this along to Conni, Kate, Peggy, Michelle and Robin.
Sweet Connie tagged me for "You Make My Day" and "I Love You This Much".
I tag Cathy, Pam, Judy, Heather and Deb.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Here is what happens when it snows on Easter.

You have an eggie hunt inside. A girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do! LOL And my daddy slept through the whole thing. We even placed her white chocolate bunny beside him He had to have been horribly tired. Cause Shayla (and us too) was loud and laughing. Just when I got her changed into play clothes and was having the big kids go out to hide her stash, it started pouring the snow! And this morning, Mark took down our winter time flags and put up the springy tulip ones. LOL We had a laugh over that! I am sad because I didnt get any awake photos of Jaidyn. When she was awake at the beginning, I hadnt settled down from everyone getting there and getting the food setup. Then when I did get the camera out, she was in baby dreamland.
I loved the cheesecake we made. I used a chocolate chip base, but next time will try a sugar cookie. The chocolate chip made it very sweet and maybe too rich. Well not TOOO rich, cause it was very yummy :o)
Cookie Dough Cheesecake Recipe
3-8 oz blocks of cream cheese, softened
3 eggs well beated
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
one full recipe of cookie dough (this could be choc chip or sugar cookie)
Prepare the cookie dough OR you can use 2 packages of refrigerator cookie dough. Pat into a buttered (or spray with nonstick) 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Mix together cheese, eggs, sugar and vanilla. Pour on top of cookie dough. (If you use a choc chip cookie base, you can sprinkle a few chips on top to pretty it up.) Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. It will be very soft on top. Do not overbake or you will burn your cookie crust! Let cool. Refrigerate. It will sink a bit in the middle and the cookie crust will come on the sides.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day.
Saturday, March 22, 2008

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter. I am really looking forward to the day. We will have 11 adults and Baby Shayla and Baby Jaidyn here for a late lunch after church. The menu is (2)baked turkey breast, chicken and dumplings, mashed potatoes, broc/cauliflower salad, green beans, corn, butter beans, cottage cheese, rolls, deviled eggs, Texas sheet cake, Jello cake and cookie dough cheesecake. I will post the recipe to the cheesecake after we have tried it. This is a recipe passed along from a friend of Mark's and I want to make sure we havent messed it up before I share it. BUT man it smelllllllllls yummy. I really enjoy everyone coming here. Just wish the house was a bit bigger to make everyone more comfortable. But we manage and everyone is used to it. We are blessed with a secure warm home and I shouldnt complain. Hopefully the weather will permit and we can have an Easter Egg hunt with Shayla outside. I have it all ready. Candy, animal crackers, lil toys and change in plastic eggs, with story books and some other goodies she will love. Next year Jaidyn will get to play too! :o)
I have a couple of fun things I am working on. Hopefully I will be sharing them with you next week. And I still owe some tagging! Everyone have a sweet day tomorrow.
Friday, March 21, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easy Tuna Noodle Casserole
1 package of extra wide egg noodles, 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, 1/2 can milk, 2 cans of drained tuna, 1 can of peas, 1/2 c shredded cheese, 1 sleeve of crushed saltines and 1 stick of melted margarine or butter. Salt and pepper to taste. You may add onion, I added onion powder.
Cook noodles per package direction and drain. Mix tuna, soup, milk and spices with noodles. Pour into a buttered casserole or 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Sprinkle cheese on top. Sprinkle crackers. Pour melted butter over top. Bake 350 degrees for 20 minutes. YUM
I am far behind on my blog reading. And have several new links to add. Many of my Backporch Friends girls have started blogging and I will be adding them to my list. Will post about them soon. AND I received a couple of blog awards I will be passing along. So stay tuned! :o)
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ain't she cute? LOL I have been playing babies. Shayla was here yesterday and today for an overniter and I was able to babysit Jaidyn today for a bit. Jaidyn is growing soooooo fast. Does NOT want to lay back, but sit up. Yesterday was her 3 month birthday and thinks she is 5 months. LOL Killer blue eyes. And a wide smile.
I am behind big time on my blog reading. Will be playing catch up when I have caught up on my rest. LOL Playing babies isnt for sissies don't ya know! :o)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Crazy weather here! I am serious. Friday and Saturday we had about 5-inches of snow. Warm temps yesterday and today...and it is gone! Just chunks along the street where the plowed. And it is about 60 degrees today. :o) Which is great because the furnace is not kicking on and that will save on the ole gas bill.
This wasn't my best weekend. I made a pot of chili for Mark on Saturday. And that was about the sum of my accomplishments for the weekend. Didn't make it to church either. Was just hurting pretty bad. BUT I feel much better today. So yay for that. I need to do some housework, but just going at things easy.
I listed some vintage embroidery transfers on eBay. (Tried to post a pic here, but they were having issues.) They are all unused and some are very old. A huge lot.
If anyone is wanting an inexpensive Etsy banner and matching avator, I have several made up in my shoppe. Will customize of course with your name and text.
Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!
Friday, March 07, 2008
I am on a painting frenzy if you cannot tell. :o) And my Etsy shelves are getting quite full.

I do everything in spits and spats creating wise. This is my painting phase. It is my first love so to speak crafting wise. Where I got started doing this fulltime so many years ago. Right now I am on a bird, rabbit and gardening roll. Just sooooo ready for spring! On Wednesday we had 50-60 temps and pure sunshine. Today we are under a winter storm warning with 5-8-inches of snow expected! We have probably about 2 or more right now. It is so pretty to watch it fall. And it wont last forever. I mean surely the kidlets will not be hunting eggs in the snow. BUT they have done it before. The crazy weather and temp changing are playing havoc with my body (and everyone else's) like crazy! So...that is my whining. Your turn now...LOL
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
More Etsy eye candy. Angela's been busy!

It has been rainy and yucky all day. And reallllly rained hard this evening, still is actually. Now we are under a winter storm warning! Crazy weather. But I am thankful all this rain has not been snow. Or the dreaded ice.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Feels good to be out in my playhouse again. Here is a bit of what I have been working on. I have these and more new items listed in my Etsy shoppe.

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