This was a very cool dimensional one. Lots of hidden surprises.
Very pretty pinks, beiges and browns.
Aaaaah. I fell in love with this one. And it was neat to see it was made by a local lady Debbie and I both knew. All in reds, golds and blues. It was made for a young girl who collects Raggedies.
Miniature wool and punchneedle. The only one of it's type that I saw. Tons of detail in the shading that do not show up in the pic.
Another miniature. This Lone Star version was about 14-inches!
YUMMY! This mini was abut 12-inches! The tiniest of tiny pieces in that Feathered Star. I was so happy for them getting a ribbon! They deserved it.

Deb and I had a great time. Both of us with our junky legs are about done it. I came straight home and took a long nap! This year they had additional vendors in a building across the street also. Gasp...more walking. But we managed. And that is where I spent my money don't ya know. LOL So it was worth it. A booth had 30's fq for $1.60. Ones I had been looking for even. So that was a happy moment. And I bought a cute pattern. And a couple of tiny gifts. Overall a great afternoon spent with my sister :o)
Hey don't forget about the blog discount I am sharing.