Monday, July 30, 2007

I am playing "Pay it Forward" with Libby and Monique. Here is the concept. Very simple to do and should be fun. Be one of the first 3 to leave a comment on THIS post and say you want to play and you will receive a gift from me and made by me within the next 365 days (it will be much sooner than that I promise). The ones chosen will place it on their blog and then their first 3 will receive a goody and then they will place it on their blog.....and the giving just keeps on giving! You must have a blog to play. And no anoymous comments please. So who want to play???


Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

I would love to play "Pay it Forward" Please let me know what else I need to do. Have a wonderful day.

marisa said...

I would like to participate in this game, make to know me what I have to do