Computer woes and candle making question...
Yep that is what has been happening at my house. Blogger wouldn't let me in. Actually I didnt receive any of the sweet congrat messages you all posted to me about the magazine. I found them when I went to make my next post. Thank you thank YOU! But blogger wouldn't play nice all week long. Then my pc got hit with some crazy virus/trojans. Still working on the spam I am receiving. But new day and here we are in blogland. So yayaya for that :o)
Thought I would show you a couple pics of recent completed projects. Just quick wooly ones. The small snowman on the last pic is actually a pincushion. It is filled with that crazy Lizard Litter (crushed walnut shells).

And this big boy of mine is getting some crazy hair on him. LOL It is so cute. It is coming in random tuffs all over his face and chest. The towel (an old bath towel cut in half), well there is usually a couple laying around. His blankies/chew toys at the moment. I just told Penny tonight when Toby got out of his chewing stage I was going to make him his own blankie. Her reply...5 years? Yes probably. He is the chewer still. But is he just 4 months old.
Penny has a question I am passing along to you all. Do any of you have any experience making soy candles??? This is my dilemma .... My four ounce candles, that are in jam jars, burn beautifully. The pint size candles, which are a pound of wax, do not burn nearly as well. I'm thinking I need to use two wick in these larger candles. What do you think? I plan to experiment with the double wicks before I offer the pint candles for sale or as gifts but thoughtI would ask for your opinions. Thanks for any suggestions.