Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Look at those ears! No doubt about him having yorkie in him. The poodle part makes them lay down. He loves having them rubbed. He has filled out some already. You could feel his little ribs. The people we got him from were feeding him generic adult dog food! It was huge pieces he could barely chew. They sent the bag home with us. Oh and it was past the expiration date! He is on Puppy Chow now and loves it. I picked out some 30's blocks I have made already to make him a lil quilt when I feel better. Right now he would chew it up! :o)
Monday, July 14, 2008

This is the newest addition to our lil' family. Meet Tobias aka Toby, whom I am sure will be the topic of many conversations to come! A Yorkie-poo and 10 weeks old. Mark has wanted a puppy for over 4 years. I mean he has WANTED a puppy. So he finally wore me down. Course you know this means that "I" have a puppy now right? Mr. Mark works about 70+ hours a week. Do you realllly think he is going to be very active in the puppy training aspect? LOL But I knew this going in. sigh He is a cutie. Toby not Mark. Well he is cute too I guess. LOL And Toby loves his kennel. Actually puts his lil' self in there to go nitenite.. And no crying about it if I put him in there cause Mommy just needs a time-out. LOL The things us women do for our men. :o)
side note: I was asked if I thought Toby thought, he was mine or Mark's? My reply...Are you kidding? This lil mutt knows WE belong to HIM. LOL
Friday, July 11, 2008

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

This square in a square scrappy is 15-inches.
And I can do zippers now. Yay for me. This lil bitty coin purses measure 4 x 4 1/2-inches. Made from wool with hand applique on the front, coordinating cotton fabric lining. The colors are much MUCH prettier than the crazy pic. I have always been afraid of trying a zipper. But decided to just suck it up and give it a go.
And this is what keeps me going. LOL Nectar of the God's I call it. Mt Dew soda pop. Mark found this cool metal bottle at WalMart and said he knew I needed it. I had actually meant to drink it while watching the fireworks, but in all the hubbub forgot to grab it. (But no worries it is gone now. I washed the bottle and have it on a shelf in my playhouse.) We are blessed to be able to watch the fireworks from our driveway. No fighting the crowds. Just the sceeters. Which actually I chased away when I played with my sparklers. LOLOL Yep I have to have sparkers!