Monday, July 30, 2007

I have also been working on my inventory for 3 shows this fall. One wool show in September, and then a quilt show and a fibre show in October. Lots of sister time!! So two chicken pillows and 11 chickens later....

The pillows are paper pieced. The chickens range in size from 3" blocks to 8" blocks.
I will end on the yummy cinnamon rolls we made. Mark made up the dough and I did the cinnamon and frosting part. The frosting is an easy peasy cream cheese recipe. Start with one large brick (8 oz I think) of cream cheese softened (very soft but not watery). Add 2 cups of sifted powder suger. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla to 1/4 cup of milk. Blend together well til no clumps of the cheese. If it is too thick, add more milk a teaspoon at a time. If it gets too thin, add more powdered sugar. This is my very favorite frosting. You just cannot go wrong with cream cheese! :o)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sis is doing very well as long as she has her pain meds. So much damage is going to be alot of pain for some time I am thinking. We go to the dr again on Monday. I think they will be pleased with the incision area. It looks healthy to us. She washes it everyday and uses VitE gel on it. We keep the sock thing she wears changed too. That is about all we can do right now at 4 weeks into this. I suggested she get out a puzzle the other night just for something to do besides read. so that is on the table now. I found a couple of pieces tonight. We need to get a funner puzzle. This one is a traditional landscape type one and a tad boring. LOL I want a puppy or kitty one. LOL Or Disney even. LOLOL
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Happy belated Independence Day! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. I know many take extra days and make a full holiday. Mark was off Wednesday through today. Mark, Debbie and David did Farmer's Market yesterday. I got hit with my headache on Friday night and that took care of me til today. At least I got in my celebrating first. We were with family Wednesday and then again on Friday. It is dreadfully hot here. And HUMID! Definitely stay in the house weather for me. I haven't crafted or stitched a stitch in forever. I have to make myself do something this week.
Sis is doing very well. Thank you everyone for asking about her. She got the stitches out on Tuesday. I was shocked they took them all out, because several were very icky looking. She has some steri strips here and there. But the stitches are out. A benefit of having no feeling, is she didn't feel them remove them. (We found a happy thought!) Now she is in the part of therapy where she is massaging all the time. She has oil with Vitamin E and aloe vera and a Vit E cream. Her wrist cannot bend and her hand is in the "cupped" position. With her right hand she can push her left hand fingers down, they just pop back up with she releases them. She leaves the splint on also all the time except when she is massaging her palm.
I had my first of the season, fresh green beans this weekend. They were so yummy with potatoes and onion added. Hope everyone is staying cool.
Monday, July 02, 2007

Here is a pic of my red bathtub in our backyard. I love it! I took this pic on the 18th and the flowers around it (beebalm and tiger lilies are now blooming). Need to take another.
Thank you everyone for asking about Heather. We go back to the dr tomorrow. She was put into a step down split last week so her stitches could get air. Her hand is still being kept immobile. They started her on passive therapy for her fingers. With her right hand she pushes her left hand fingers down. And that is it. She is experiencing a lot of pain even with the high strength pain medicine. I know this is to be expecting with the amount of surgery, but I know she didnt realize it would be so much. Alot of the reality of the long months ahead is just now settling in for her. One of the first things she asked the doctor was if she would ever be able to sew. She does embroidery and wanted to know if she would be able to hold a needle. :o( This surprised me because I thought she loved to draw more and would be thinking a pencil. But she told me she really loved to hand sew. Our embroidery looks the very same. One can lay down the needle and the other pick it up and you cannot tell the difference.
I was the lucky winner on Morning Ramble of a goody collection of her homemade soaps and candles. What a wonderful mail day that was. And on a needed "pick me up" day. Thank you again Patty!