Flowers make me so happy. Especially spring ones. Penny (sis#2) brought me pansies over the weekend and then these this week. I was supposed to share the daffies with sis#1, but I said from the start that I wasnt! LOL And I didnt! Thank you again Penny. Mark said these smell really strong and springy. I cannot smell them at all with my stopped up nose. The chick is a pincushion I received from Peggy in our
BPF group Pincushion Exchange. This has not been a good past couple of weeks. I have pneumonia at present and all the yuckys that go with it. Caught a cold from our baby niece and that was that. Not doing much but sleeping, coughing and blowing! :o) But I have made some doodles of ideas and notes for "maybes" in the future.

Before I got sick I added several crafties to my Etsy store. Here is a Scotty dog pincushion my sis#1 Debbie has listed there. Precious! And she does such a great job on these. Hopefully I will be working on new spring items soon. It is interesting to go through the shops looking at the crafts and all the different spins on them. Well I am off to bed now, just wanted to check in. Thank you to those who have written me asking me where I was. It is nice to be making new friends. Everyone stay healthy and eat your veggies! :o)