Computer glitches...I take them too hard. That is my diagnosis. My web site went down this week. It is still not really fixed. The server gave it a quick fix they said. :o( I got all shook up and focused on it. Can you say obsessed? And as the oldest sister says...breath. So I am breathing.
Anyways...LOL I am happy. We are going on our annual sister outing on Friday to a quilt show. Indiana Heritage Quilt Show I think we have gone maybe 5 years or so now. Used to be the only place I could get pearl cotton and I was all about that. Had to be my first stop and then I could lookyloo around. See, another "breathe moment". Seem to have alot of them. The quilts are always so spectacular. We always enjoy the vendors too of course. They are having a special exhibit called "Men of Biblical Proportion". Curious about that. Wish it wasnt so pricey to get into the shows. Cuts into the fun money. I havent sewn or crafted any this week much. Have been working on the Etsy shoppe. Does anyone have any experience, good or bad they wish to share about Etsy?
And here is a lil funny to end the post. A new "sisters pic". LOL I love my sisters if you cannot tell. This is one of those computer composites of what we look like in our glory days. Ok. Not really. But still which one are YOU? I think I am the third one. She looks more kind (for lack of a better word) and doesnt seem to have quite as strong an old lady smell as the others. I am thinking her cookies taste better too. :o))
And here is a lil funny to end the post. A new "sisters pic". LOL I love my sisters if you cannot tell. This is one of those computer composites of what we look like in our glory days. Ok. Not really. But still which one are YOU? I think I am the third one. She looks more kind (for lack of a better word) and doesnt seem to have quite as strong an old lady smell as the others. I am thinking her cookies taste better too. :o))