Loving these cooler temps. I have been praying for those in California battling the fires. I cannot imagine that fear. God bless those firefighters and those in the line of danger. Including all the animals and their habitats.
NUTELLA! Oh my goodness! Is there anything better? I cannot imagine so! I skip the middle man (bread) and eat it straight from the jar. yuuummmmm
Resting a bit today and then housework. I have a short list. Do you work by a list? I do sometimes. Makes me feel I have accomplished something if I see it marked off on paper. Plus help remind me what to do in case I get distracted.
My dear, sweet and loving daughter gave me this. I know she loves me and is thinking of her poor ole mom. But it totally cracked me up still. What do you think she is telling me??? Now if they only made an all-over body version they sold cheap and by the 50 gallon barrel! :o)
And I won a blog drawing at sweet Peggy's house! Woot for me!! Thank you Peggy.
I am loving the cooler temps here in southern Indiana!
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23 (New King James Version)
And here is a lil something for you for putting up with my whining.
Post about "The Country Cellar" on your blog. You can even use the mini banner pic below. Then leave a comment letting me know, on my blog through August 31st. I will have a special drawing just from these comments on September 1st. The winner will receive a $25 gift certificate (and I will pay the shipping costs.) Now back to our regularly scheduled program. Did I tell you I am doing a local craft show late August? Gotta get out to my playhouse now and make some new goodies to share. I have enjoyed in a twisted sister kinda way, doing the html and remaking my site. But I have also missed sewing and painting. Right now I have 5 dolls who are basically dressed but without hair, faces or other embellishments. First on the to-do list.
And I have to get a blog background. Not loving this white. Got THAT done. Right after I get a very good rest! :o)
And I have to change this background. It isnt a good reading one I know.
"Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point."