It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. Well I am hoping this coming weekend is the best part. Cause the past couple of weeks have been the yucky ones! Whine whine. I know! :o)
My show is this weekend. So yay for that being here. But booooo for not having all I wanted done. I finally had to have "that" talk with myself. You know the one. "Suck it up. This is all you can do. So be over it." LOL Yep that one.
But on a happy note. Here is one of my new patterns I have been working on. The second one has not had it's picture taken OR been written up. Part of "that" talk. Sigh. Soon.
I was happy with how it turned out. It is
BIG. 14 x 46-inches.
Everyone have a cool night.