Sunday, May 27, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
AND tomorrow is my Give-A-Way drawing day! So we will be doing that together. Will try to post the winning info on Friday or Saturday at the latest. I am excited to see who will be the winning number!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

These are just teaser pics. LOL I have a photograph of each page on my website. Go HERE to see them all and read the listing details. The base is a paper mache book. This one has 16 seperate ephemera items with it! I have made two paper bag journals also. These creations are just addictive. I love the whole process from the collecting and gathering of the goodies to playing with the papers and ribbons. The big girl version of paper dolls to me. I am vendoring this coming Saturday at a show and plan on taking these with me. Not for sure how they will go over honestly. But I had a great time making them! Give me shout out of what you think of them. I had never seen anything like this in person. Just in magazines and the internet, and knew I had to make one, or two or three.... It is so fun to go through them even though I know what is there. LOL
And do not forget about the Give-A-Way!! The drawing will be the 25th.
This is a picture off my frig. It is in a Winnie the Pooh magnet frame actually. It was taken in one of those photo booth thingys. By my hair, I am thinking I was probably in 4th grade, so about 10 or 11 years old. Mom would kill me for posting this, so sisters don't be a telling on me! It is the only picture I think I have of just me and mom when I was a kiddo. My eyes are soooooo huge. And my crazy crooked short bangs, a mom hair cut trade mark for sure! LOL
Do not forget about our upcoming Give-A-Way! Leave a comment and pass the word along please to your blog friends. I am working on prize gathering. Want to have a good selection!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007