Look at these lil' viola faces. Aren't they the sweetest? My yearly gift from Penny. I came home from the hospital to these sitting on my bench. Mark potted them up for me. And this ole junky stepstool thingy, I love it. That rusty/tacky thing to the side of it is a metal twin size headboard I got from along side the road several years ago. LOL I do love my rust!

Then yesterday, I was gifted with this gorgeous pot from Penny's boss! Now how sweet is that? Mary is a wonderful person and she has been so good to Penny, but come on! Taking on the extended family? That is beyond the call of duty. And come to think of it, I don't even think she is technically Penny's fulltime boss now. Just a dear friend. They really made my day. I was feeling a bit of a pity party coming on and they snapped me right out of it! Who can be sad looking at so much beauty. Mark bought me the rockybunny this year at Lowes by the way. He said when he saw the quilt on it, I needed it. Was in the outdoor settythings section.

I hope I wrote back and thanked everyone for the encouragement for Monday. Not heard back from the dr yet. Do not really expect to til mid next week. Stuff takes time. It went much better than they predicted. I didn't bleed alot. Ewww I know. Had to stay 6 hours in bed at the hosptial after the procedure. The hospital has called every day since to check on me. That makes me feel both good and bad. Good they are on top of things and care, bad in that did they think I was going to have issues? LOL Just been totally wiped out is all. Not even crocheted. BUT I did watch my Survivor last night. Note to Beverly's dd Mary...yaya for March Maddness being over for us! :o)
"There is more to life than increasing it's speed." -Mahatma Gandhi