Baby Shayla meets Toby...crawwwwwwwwzy time!

I thought I was loosing my mind. Seriously. The poor lil pup loves kids. To pieces. Literally! And poor Shayla, well in her words "Can he go back to his first mommy?". The pup hit a super sonic whine and bark surely never heard by mortal ears. Penny said she had a bad feeling, and came up to help out. Thank God. I think I told her about 3 times I loved her! LOL Toby just needed to see Shayla and smell her and eat lick her. He was kissing her with his teeth I explained to her. I wrapped her in my bed pillow and let him see her that way. Finally I got her out of the house and on her lil bike for some alone time with me. Then Mark brought Toby out and we had him on his leash (always!) chasing her on the bike and "kissing" her bike tires. She told him he would be buying her a new everything if he tore up her tires. LOL It just went on and on. Then we wore him out chasing bubbles and more walks around the block. Heather and Ivan came over for a diversion. Thanks kids. It did help. Finally after her bath, we got to the picture point (sans the wet hair-do). Toby laid in the chair with her for about 3 minutes and then it was on again. But at least the barking is pretty much over. And poor Shayla, she came with a "headache in her ear". Has fought ear aches all week from swimming. One of her lines was, "Can you make that racket stop?". Poor kiddo. She is staying til late evening tomorrow. And tomorrow we have a multi-birthday party here. Heather is 21 on the 9th, Shayla is 5 on the 12th and our Daddy is 74 on the 16th. All those ages are hard for me to wrap my mind around. We are doing a make your own Mexican bar. Mr. Toby is going in his kennel out to my playhouse to listen to the television. No WAY can he stay inside with everyone including Baby Jaidyn who is on the move now. Too much crawwwwwwwwzy isnt a good thing! :o)
And a big thank you to everyone about my scope. I have replied to you all I think.