At least that is what Kermit always says. But it isn't hard either. Honestly, for me, it is just remembering! I have been trying to think more about things. That is where that phrase to me, living intentionally, really comes into play. There are so many big things we can do. But then there are all the little things that add up to the big things too. Not grabbing a paper napkin for a spill. Not using a foam plate when I feel too lazy to wash a dish. Turning off lights in empty rooms. Planning all my errands in one day instead of two. Using both sides of a piece of paper. Adding layers instead of turning up the gas heat. (And I guess this works in the reverse in the heat of summer??? Maybe then we should just drink more water and sweat it out. hahaha) Saving those pop cans. Reusing plastic bags or taking our own cloth bags to the store. Just a bunch of little stuff. That takes an extra step or just remembering. I am trying. Of course if you can get your entire family on board, it will be even better. And easier. You do not need a cleaning product for each room of the house. Honestly. A spray bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar will clean your kitchen, bath and windows/mirrors. Baking soda works in place of bleach. Just takes a bit of elbow grease to go with it on stubborn stains. Vinegar in the rinse cycle is the best fabric softener. I use it in an old Downy ball. There is no stinky smell when you get the clothes out of the washer as you normally associate with vinegar. Not everything has to go into the dryer. Your towels feel great line dryed. A great skin softener also in the exfoliating. Shocking fact I know! A clothes line or a drying rack are easypeasy to use. It has just got to become a habit. In the winter hanging your wet clothes (blouses, tshirts, nities...) on the shower rod help with the dry air that makes our noses all stoppyupped. A bowl of water on the floor register helps with this also. No machine needed for everyday use. Composting your yard and food scraps. It is okay to take the extra steps to the side yard. We can all use the exercise. (Totally talking to ME here!) And here is another shocker, please do not stone me, a dishwasher is not a necessity. I am not a huge Goodwill store person. I prefer to give my clothes and other "cleaned out items" to church ran thrift stores and The Salvation Army. Places that help local people in need at a reasonable price or even free. Our local Goodwill is as expensive as a new retail shop now. JMHO
I know this is all stuff some of you are probably already doing. This is only the tip of the proverbial being-thrifty-saving-the-world-one-plastic-bottle-at-a-time iceberg. I wrote this mostly as a reminder to me to keep doing it. It is worth it. I am worth it. My family is worth it. Saving money is worth it. Saving energy is worth it. Just being AWARE is worth it. I so wish I had taught my daughter more of these ideals when she was at home. I am trying to encourage her now as a young married woman. She listens. And the only time she has really shook her head at me is over my wormie farm....I don't think she will getting wormies anytime soon. :o)
I am blessed. ~Angela